Results of dComFra project implementation as of 1 January 2025

3 years after the completion of the dComFra project, we would like to share our implementations and achievements once again.

Standards implemented at the level of the state of Ukraine, developed by the dComFra consortium:

1. UA DigComp framework for citizens.

The framework was fully developed by the project consortium. It has been agreed with all interested public authorities, representatives of professional communities and business. After making minor adjustments, it was published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (UA DigComp framework for citizens).

The Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals and the Ukrainian coordinator, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, played a key role in its creation and approval.

2. UA DigCompEdu framework (Conceptual and Reference Framework for Digital Competence of Pedagogical and Academic Staff).

The framework was fully developed by the project consortium. It has been agreed with all interested public authorities, representatives of professional communities and business. After making minor and specific for the Ukrainian educational environment corrections, it was published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (UA DigCompEdu framework).

The Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv played a key role in its creation and approval.

3. Digital competence profiles to refine the national qualifications framework.

The digital competence profiles were fully developed by the project consortium. Together with the National Qualifications Agency and the expert community, they were implemented in the narrative part of the new national qualifications framework. The Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv played a key role in their development and implementation.

4. ICDL Ukrainian digital citizen.

National digital skills test for the national platform Diia.Education, part of the Digigram developed by the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals with the involvement of experts from the National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

The standards implemented at the level of the state of Ukraine are based on the framework developed by the dComFra consortium and with the involvement of dComFra experts:

1. Digital Competence Framework for Civil Servants of Ukraine.

The Framework was developed by a specially created expert group, which included representatives of the project consortium, namely the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. The framework was developed on the basis of the UA DigComp framework for citizens. Published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (Digital Competence Framework for Civil Servants of Ukraine).

2. Digital competence framework for Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

The Framework was developed by a specially created expert group, which included representatives of the project consortium, namely the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. The framework was developed on the basis of the UA DigComp framework for citizens. Published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (Digital competence framework for Ukrainian entrepreneurs).

A digital learning and skills acquisition system for digital competencies developed by the dComFra consortium:

The system (Dole: Digital office learning environment) was developed by the project consortium. The system is hosted and maintained by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ( The system has been implemented in the educational process of all Ukrainian universities – partners of the dComFra project (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Donetsk National Technical University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University).

All partner universities use the system in the educational process in various areas of information technology, such as databases, web programming, basics of information technology, etc. In addition, for example, at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, individual modules of the system are used in the following disciplines: ‘Modern Information Systems in Economics’ for the specialities of Economics, Management, Marketing, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities; ‘Philosophy of Science and Innovation’, the module “Search and Processing of Scientific Information” for the speciality of Journalism; ‘Philosophy of Science and Innovations, module ‘Management of Scientific Projects and Fund-Raising’ for the speciality ‘Philology’; Information and Communication Technologies in the Management of Educational Systems for the speciality ‘Higher Education Pedagogy’; etc. All training on the system’s modules takes place directly in the Digital office learning environment.

Most partner universities use the system to improve the skills of their academic and administrative staff. School teachers and other target groups of the dComFra project are trained as well, with the best results being shown by the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals. In total, as of 1 January 2025, almost 4,000 people have acquired digital skills through the dComFra digital office learning environment modules. The statistics are shown in the table below

dComFra project partners stand with Ukraine

dComFra project partners from Lithuania, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania condemn Russia‘s military aggression against Ukraine and attack on Ukrainian sovereignty.

dComFra project partners stand with Ukraine opposing the war and expressing solidarity with the scientific community and all people of Ukraine.

We encourage all governments worldwide to take the most serious actions towards stopping the war in Ukraine and re-establishing peace.

Інформація для громадян України / Information for Ukrainian citizens

The Baltic Ministers of Social Security invite to render humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania

Ukrainian national digital coalition “Coalition of digital transformation”

The coalition made by the initiative of the ERASMUS+ project-working group: КА2 CBHE dComFra – “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.
Public Union “HIGH-TECH office Ukraine” and all-Ukrainian public organization “Ukrainian Association of information technology specialists” were elected as partners-coordinators of the coalition.

The Memorandum signing ceremony regarding to creation of the Ukrainian national digital coalition “Coalition of digital transformation” took place on September 5 in the News Agency “UKRINFORM” (
The “Coalition of digital transformation” includes 46 public and private institutions and organizations, educational institutions and public organizations.

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Information Day

09/20/19 An information day was held in the framework of which Professor Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Head of the Chair of Information Systems and Technologies Department. the students were told about the progress of Erasmus + Program implementation in KA2: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education, the dComFra – Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens, and about the project objectives, namely:

Develop a Ukrainian framework for digital competences for educators and citizens based on the European Framework for Digital Competences for Educators and Citizens;

Establish a Ukrainian national digital network. With the participation of Ukrainian partners, create the basis of the network. With the involvement of European partners, gain experience of national networks of European countries; Build the dComFra infrastructure and tools: create digital competence centers with a suite of necessary software and equipment for the practical implementation of a project-oriented approach; create and manage a distance learning structure; to prepare several special groups of citizens (IDPs and IDP veterans); to establish centers of the Ukrainian National Digital Network; to create a distance education platform to enhance the qualifications of school teachers and teachers of vocational education institutions and all concerned population groups.

Studying Romanian experience in distance learning and digital technologies

From September 9 to September 12, 2019, trainings of representatives of partner universities of the project “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) were held at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. The training was attended by the staff of DonNTU Professor Olga Dmitrieva, Assistant Professor Natalia Kostyukova, Head of the Information and Computing Center Natalia Chenikalova.

The training was devoted to acquaintance with the digital competences used in Romania and the organization of distance learning courses on the Moodle platform, the features of the use of this platform in university education. The reports of Romanian colleagues on data security in cloud storage, the creation of digital textbooks and online manuals, and the evolution of educational standards were interesting and useful. In addition, the training participants had the opportunity to visit university laboratories and units: the Center for Advanced Research on New Materials, Products and Innovative Processes (CAMPUS), the 3D Printing and Virtual Reality Laboratory.

NURE participates in International Training dComFra in Romania

From 9 to 12 September, representatives of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics take part in the next training from Erasmus+ “Framework of digital competencies for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, which takes place at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest in Romania.

NURE delegation consisting of Vice-Rector on International Cooperation Murad Omarov and lecturers of the Department of Systems Engineering, with the Head of Department Igor Grebennyk learned from the experience of the Romanian colleagues in the teaching of digital technology, with features of European and Romanian national programs on the mastery of digital competences, and also visited educational and research laboratories of Romanian universities.

Also, during the training representatives of the University of Radio Electronics discussed with colleagues the issues of training bachelors and masters in the field of information technology for the needs of the modern European labour market.

Event photos.

Workshop on dComFra project held for Pokrovsk teachers

On September 10, 2019, the Donetsk National Technical University hosted a workshop “dComFra Project: possibilities for teachers”, which was held within the framework of the project @Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (dComFra)”.

The event was attended by 18 people: representatives of the city department of education, teachers of Pokrovsky Pedagogical College and DonNTU.

During the event, Yevgen Bashkov told about the purpose of the project and the plan of its implementation. He also outlined the structure of the digital competency framework used in Europe and the plans to develop such a framework for Ukrainian teachers and citizens.

In addition, a survey was conducted at the seminar to determine what IT teacher has knowledge of, how he / she receives them, what subjects he / she teaches, and what level of knowledge he / she should impart to students. According to the results of the survey, it is planned to hold thematic training courses for teachers, aimed at using the acquired knowledge in the practical activity of the teacher.

NURE has joined the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition

On September the 5th 2019, the Memorandum on the creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition “Digital Transformation Coalition” was signed at the “Ukrinform” news agency in Kyiv.
The High-Tech Office Ukraine and the PO “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Professionals” were selected as a coordinating partners.

The Vice-Rector for Innovative Corporate Work and Administration  Vasyl Rossikhin and Head of Systems Engineering Igor Grebennik attended From our University in the signing ceremony of the Memorandum

The main objective of the Digital Transformation Coalition is to consolidate and coordinate the initiatives and efforts of all partners in the field of digital development and integration of Ukraine into the European Digital Space (EU Digital Unified Market).

The main directions of cooperation of the partners of the National Coalition are:

  • Creation and development of appropriate infrastructure for acquiring and improving the digital skills of youth and society as a whole in order to increase the employment rate of the population and the effective use of digital opportunities;
  • Harmonization with the Digital Agenda and the Digital Unified Market of the European Union;
  • Improving access to digital infrastructure and the Internet;
  • Integration of digital technologies into production processes, or digitization of industry;
  • Promoting the digital development of settlements and regions;
  • Digitalization of science, development of Ukrainian e-infrastructures;
  • Promoting the development of creative industries, cybersecurity systems and other areas of Ukraine’s digital transformation;
  • Developing international cooperation in the field of digital technology development and digital skills.

National Coalition established under the initiative of the projects working group within the Funding Program: European Neighborhood Instrument (Erasmus +: CA2 CBHE) dComFra (Digital competence framework for ukrainian teachers and other citizens) 598236-EPP-1 -2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.

Event photos.

Studying digital experience at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

In July, the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (Villach, Austria) hosted trainings for participants in the Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), The lecturers of DonNTU took part in the work: Rector Yaroslav Lyashok, Professor Yevgen Bashkov and Associate Professor Natalya Kostyukova.

During the trainings, representatives of the Austrian University acquainted the participants with the pedagogical and didactic concepts and their implementation in the Austrian education system, existing in Austria digital competence frameworks for citizens and educators. Austrian colleagues also shared their experience in the internationalization of education, spoke about academic mobility programs, Erasmus + projects. It was interesting to get acquainted with the work of the didactic center of the University, principles of support for digital learning, new curricula and methods in the field of computer science. Also it was very interesting to visit the Smart Lab in Klagenfurt and the location of Infineon Technologies AG, the world leader in semiconductor solutions.

Donetsk National Technical University hosted an information day on the “dComFra” project

On September 5, 2019, the information day was held at the Donetsk National Technical University within the framework of the project activities 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (dComFra) DComFra Project: Challenges and Prospects.

27 employees of DonNTU  took part in the event, including teachers, employees of the information-computer center, engineers. During the event, project manager Yevgen Bashkov spoke about the purpose of the project, the plan for its implementation and the project envisaged for the creation of the Ukrainian Digital Coalition. In addition, Yevgen described the structure of the digital competency framework used in Europe and the plans to develop such a framework for Ukrainian teachers and citizens, which is also the aim of the project.