UAITP is all Ukrainian public organization. UAITP join IT professionals in different fields. It has IT professionals – personal members and team members, at least more than 5000 members.
Most of them develop the discipline of informatics by teaching, researching or working in the field of informatics, while others are involved in related business and political areas. The main purposes of this network of professionals are motivate for informatics, develop the scientific discipline and promote the impact of information technologies on economy, business and society. Also, to offer career support by the means of networking.
The other UAITP ideas are: make conditions, development support, etc. for information technologies development on Ukrainian territory; growing of knowledge in IT field, digital literacy of Ukrainian population; IT implantation in all branch of economy on Ukrainian territory; development of IT education and IT science; helps to the integration of Ukraine in European and World economics.
- take part in popularization of using IT in science, research and education activities;
- provide information of IT development to society, explain the meaning of IT implantation in normal life;
- helps to coordination work in IT and software development;
- take part in IT conferences, congresses, forums, seminars organization;
- make foreign relations with government, public, scientific organizations, some key persons from all over the world in field of information technologies.
UAITP has experience in TEMPUS and Erasmus+ projects realization.