09/20/19 An information day was held in the framework of which Professor Andrii Biloshchytskyi, Head of the Chair of Information Systems and Technologies Department. the students were told about the progress of Erasmus + Program implementation in KA2: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education, the dComFra – Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens, and about the project objectives, namely:
Develop a Ukrainian framework for digital competences for educators and citizens based on the European Framework for Digital Competences for Educators and Citizens;
Establish a Ukrainian national digital network. With the participation of Ukrainian partners, create the basis of the network. With the involvement of European partners, gain experience of national networks of European countries; Build the dComFra infrastructure and tools: create digital competence centers with a suite of necessary software and equipment for the practical implementation of a project-oriented approach; create and manage a distance learning structure; to prepare several special groups of citizens (IDPs and IDP veterans); to establish centers of the Ukrainian National Digital Network; to create a distance education platform to enhance the qualifications of school teachers and teachers of vocational education institutions and all concerned population groups.