Workshop on dComFra project held for Pokrovsk teachers

On September 10, 2019, the Donetsk National Technical University hosted a workshop “dComFra Project: possibilities for teachers”, which was held within the framework of the project @Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (dComFra)”.

The event was attended by 18 people: representatives of the city department of education, teachers of Pokrovsky Pedagogical College and DonNTU.

During the event, Yevgen Bashkov told about the purpose of the project and the plan of its implementation. He also outlined the structure of the digital competency framework used in Europe and the plans to develop such a framework for Ukrainian teachers and citizens.

In addition, a survey was conducted at the seminar to determine what IT teacher has knowledge of, how he / she receives them, what subjects he / she teaches, and what level of knowledge he / she should impart to students. According to the results of the survey, it is planned to hold thematic training courses for teachers, aimed at using the acquired knowledge in the practical activity of the teacher.

NURE has joined the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition

On September the 5th 2019, the Memorandum on the creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition “Digital Transformation Coalition” was signed at the “Ukrinform” news agency in Kyiv.
The High-Tech Office Ukraine and the PO “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Professionals” were selected as a coordinating partners.

The Vice-Rector for Innovative Corporate Work and Administration  Vasyl Rossikhin and Head of Systems Engineering Igor Grebennik attended From our University in the signing ceremony of the Memorandum

The main objective of the Digital Transformation Coalition is to consolidate and coordinate the initiatives and efforts of all partners in the field of digital development and integration of Ukraine into the European Digital Space (EU Digital Unified Market).

The main directions of cooperation of the partners of the National Coalition are:

  • Creation and development of appropriate infrastructure for acquiring and improving the digital skills of youth and society as a whole in order to increase the employment rate of the population and the effective use of digital opportunities;
  • Harmonization with the Digital Agenda and the Digital Unified Market of the European Union;
  • Improving access to digital infrastructure and the Internet;
  • Integration of digital technologies into production processes, or digitization of industry;
  • Promoting the digital development of settlements and regions;
  • Digitalization of science, development of Ukrainian e-infrastructures;
  • Promoting the development of creative industries, cybersecurity systems and other areas of Ukraine’s digital transformation;
  • Developing international cooperation in the field of digital technology development and digital skills.

National Coalition established under the initiative of the projects working group within the Funding Program: European Neighborhood Instrument (Erasmus +: CA2 CBHE) dComFra (Digital competence framework for ukrainian teachers and other citizens) 598236-EPP-1 -2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.

Event photos.

Studying digital experience at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

In July, the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (Villach, Austria) hosted trainings for participants in the Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), The lecturers of DonNTU took part in the work: Rector Yaroslav Lyashok, Professor Yevgen Bashkov and Associate Professor Natalya Kostyukova.

During the trainings, representatives of the Austrian University acquainted the participants with the pedagogical and didactic concepts and their implementation in the Austrian education system, existing in Austria digital competence frameworks for citizens and educators. Austrian colleagues also shared their experience in the internationalization of education, spoke about academic mobility programs, Erasmus + projects. It was interesting to get acquainted with the work of the didactic center of the University, principles of support for digital learning, new curricula and methods in the field of computer science. Also it was very interesting to visit the Smart Lab in Klagenfurt and the location of Infineon Technologies AG, the world leader in semiconductor solutions.

Donetsk National Technical University hosted an information day on the “dComFra” project

On September 5, 2019, the information day was held at the Donetsk National Technical University within the framework of the project activities 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (dComFra) DComFra Project: Challenges and Prospects.

27 employees of DonNTU  took part in the event, including teachers, employees of the information-computer center, engineers. During the event, project manager Yevgen Bashkov spoke about the purpose of the project, the plan for its implementation and the project envisaged for the creation of the Ukrainian Digital Coalition. In addition, Yevgen described the structure of the digital competency framework used in Europe and the plans to develop such a framework for Ukrainian teachers and citizens, which is also the aim of the project.

Launch of Ukrainian National Digital Coalition

On September the 5th 2019, the Memorandum on the creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition “Digital Transformation Coalition” was signed at the “Ukrinform” news agency in Kyiv.

The High-Tech Office Ukraine and the PO “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Professionals” were selected as a coordinating partners.

The main objective of the Digital Transformation Coalition is to consolidate and coordinate the initiatives and efforts of all partners in the field of digital development and integration of Ukraine into the European Digital Space (EU Digital Unified Market).

The main directions of cooperation of the partners of the National Coalition are:

* Dissemination of information about modern digital technologies and their practices;

* Creation and development of appropriate infrastructure for acquiring and improving the digital skills of youth and society as a whole in order to increase the employment rate of the population and the effective use of digital opportunities;

* Harmonization with the Digital Agenda and the Digital Unified Market of the European Union;

* Improving access to digital infrastructure and the Internet;

* Integration of digital technologies into production processes, or digitization of industry;

* Promoting the digital development of settlements and regions;

* Digitalization of science, development of Ukrainian e-infrastructures;

* Promoting the development of creative industries, cybersecurity systems and other areas of Ukraine’s digital transformation;

* Developing international cooperation in the field of digital technology development and digital skills.

National Coalition established under the initiative of the projects working group within the Funding Program: European Neighborhood Instrument (Erasmus +: CA2 CBHE) dComFra (Digital competence framework for ukrainian teachers and other citizens) 598236-EPP-1 -2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.

Work on the launch of the National Digital Coalition


Representatives of the dComFra project consortium continue to work on the launch of the Ukrainian Digital Coalition and attract as many interested participants as possible. Specialists of the public association Hi-Tech Office (“Hi-Tech Office Ukraine”) were involved in this process as a partners.

 Public Association “Hi-Tech Office Ukraine” is an association of enterprises in the field of high technologies, the purpose of which is to create favorable conditions for the development of innovative business and digital economy in Ukraine. The High-Tech Office Ukraine’s Supervisory Board includes representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Presidential Administration, which ensures effective interaction between the business and the state..

On July 31, a working meeting was held between representatives of the HiTech Office and the Erasmus + Consortium “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, № 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, where the issues of creating National Digital Coalition.

The participants of the meeting discussed the European experience of creation and functioning of national coalitions (there are 23 EU countries), talked about state initiatives, programs, strategic documents, about joint initiatives of public and private sectors, about the developed commercial segment in digitalization.

We hope for the participation of all stakeholders in the development of a common concept for the creation of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition.

Information Day

On July 10, 19, in cooperation with the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a visiting information day was held by Professor Onishchenko Andriy Mykhailovych, Professor at the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, at the scientific camp of Kyiv region on the border with the city of Bila Tserkva. Andriy Mikhalovich spoke about the work of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv on international projects with China and Europe. He spoke about the progress of implementation of the Erasmus + program in the direction of KA2: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education, the project “dComFra – Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”.

Dissemination of European experience among DonNTU teachers

On May 22, 2019, at the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, information seminars were held to disseminate the knowledge acquired by the DonNTU teachers during numerous trainings. During the seminars, the teachers of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Professor Olga Dmitrieva and Associate Professor Natalya Kostyukova, told the participants about the content of the trainings held at the University of Vytautas Magnus (Kaunas, Lithuania) and at the Czech University of Life Science (Prague).

In her speech, Natalya Kostyukova spoke about the strategy of forming digital skills of the population in Lithuania and Europe, educational programs for improving the digital skills of teachers, the work of the Lithuanian National Digital Coalition.

Olga Dmitrieva’s presentation was dedicated to the experience of the Testing Center at the Czech University of Life Science and the strategy of digital skills formation in the Czech Republic. She thoroughly and vividly described the experience of the Czech Republic and the possibilities of its use in DonNTU in the framework of the project implementation. In total, 17 faculty members and staff participated in the seminars.

Partnership Meeting of DonNTU Teachers with European Colleagues Held at Krakow Pedagogical University (Poland)

In May, a working meeting of representatives of the partner universities of the project was held at the Pedagogical University in Krakow. DonNTU’s teachers took part in the work: Vice-rector Yevgen Bashkov and Assistant Professor Natalya Kostyukova.

The meeting reviewed the results of the project implementation activities related to the analysis of existing programs and curricula in European countries, existing trainings for teachers, the digital competences of citizens and education workers in EU countries. The participants discussed the development of competency profiles, didactic approach to training, selection of certification program, development of dComFra project web portal, quality control and dissemination of project information.