Results of dComFra project implementation as of 1 January 2025

3 years after the completion of the dComFra project, we would like to share our implementations and achievements once again.

Standards implemented at the level of the state of Ukraine, developed by the dComFra consortium:

1. UA DigComp framework for citizens.

The framework was fully developed by the project consortium. It has been agreed with all interested public authorities, representatives of professional communities and business. After making minor adjustments, it was published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (UA DigComp framework for citizens).

The Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals and the Ukrainian coordinator, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, played a key role in its creation and approval.

2. UA DigCompEdu framework (Conceptual and Reference Framework for Digital Competence of Pedagogical and Academic Staff).

The framework was fully developed by the project consortium. It has been agreed with all interested public authorities, representatives of professional communities and business. After making minor and specific for the Ukrainian educational environment corrections, it was published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (UA DigCompEdu framework).

The Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv played a key role in its creation and approval.

3. Digital competence profiles to refine the national qualifications framework.

The digital competence profiles were fully developed by the project consortium. Together with the National Qualifications Agency and the expert community, they were implemented in the narrative part of the new national qualifications framework. The Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv played a key role in their development and implementation.

4. ICDL Ukrainian digital citizen.

National digital skills test for the national platform Diia.Education, part of the Digigram developed by the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals with the involvement of experts from the National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

The standards implemented at the level of the state of Ukraine are based on the framework developed by the dComFra consortium and with the involvement of dComFra experts:

1. Digital Competence Framework for Civil Servants of Ukraine.

The Framework was developed by a specially created expert group, which included representatives of the project consortium, namely the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. The framework was developed on the basis of the UA DigComp framework for citizens. Published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (Digital Competence Framework for Civil Servants of Ukraine).

2. Digital competence framework for Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

The Framework was developed by a specially created expert group, which included representatives of the project consortium, namely the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. The framework was developed on the basis of the UA DigComp framework for citizens. Published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in 2021. (Digital competence framework for Ukrainian entrepreneurs).

A digital learning and skills acquisition system for digital competencies developed by the dComFra consortium:

The system (Dole: Digital office learning environment) was developed by the project consortium. The system is hosted and maintained by Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv ( The system has been implemented in the educational process of all Ukrainian universities – partners of the dComFra project (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Donetsk National Technical University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University).

All partner universities use the system in the educational process in various areas of information technology, such as databases, web programming, basics of information technology, etc. In addition, for example, at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, individual modules of the system are used in the following disciplines: ‘Modern Information Systems in Economics’ for the specialities of Economics, Management, Marketing, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities; ‘Philosophy of Science and Innovation’, the module “Search and Processing of Scientific Information” for the speciality of Journalism; ‘Philosophy of Science and Innovations, module ‘Management of Scientific Projects and Fund-Raising’ for the speciality ‘Philology’; Information and Communication Technologies in the Management of Educational Systems for the speciality ‘Higher Education Pedagogy’; etc. All training on the system’s modules takes place directly in the Digital office learning environment.

Most partner universities use the system to improve the skills of their academic and administrative staff. School teachers and other target groups of the dComFra project are trained as well, with the best results being shown by the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals. In total, as of 1 January 2025, almost 4,000 people have acquired digital skills through the dComFra digital office learning environment modules. The statistics are shown in the table below

Мanagement and training meeting in Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

In July 2022 Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Villah, Austria) held a management meeting and a trainings meeting within the scope of Erasmus+ KA2 project “Digital Competences Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (dComFra) (598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

Meeting was held in a blended form, and participants had a chance to meet in person firstly since the pandemic started. Overcoming the challenges both of global pandemic and war in Ukraine, consortium members continue their active work on the project tasks regarding digital competences enhancement for Ukrainian teachers and citizens.

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Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage in Digital

The University of Culture, together with the consortium of the international project dComFra of the EU Erasmus + program, has been actively participating in All Digital Week (The European Digital Competence Week) since 2019.

All Digital Week is an annual information campaign dedicated to the development of digital skills of citizens, organized by the leading European association All Digital, whose member organizations work with 25,000 centers of digital competence. This year the war came to Ukraine. The war, in addition to human casualties and the destruction of the infrastructure of Ukraine’s cities and villages, is a threat to Ukraine’s cultural heritage.

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dComFra project partners stand with Ukraine

dComFra project partners from Lithuania, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania condemn Russia‘s military aggression against Ukraine and attack on Ukrainian sovereignty.

dComFra project partners stand with Ukraine opposing the war and expressing solidarity with the scientific community and all people of Ukraine.

We encourage all governments worldwide to take the most serious actions towards stopping the war in Ukraine and re-establishing peace.

Інформація для громадян України / Information for Ukrainian citizens

The Baltic Ministers of Social Security invite to render humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian people

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania

Forschung aus Kärnten – FHDigitale Kompetenz auf Ukrainisch

Die FH Kärnten unterstützt ein Projekt, in dem ukrainische Lehrer auf den aktuellen Stand der Onlinetechnik gebracht werden.

07.00 Uhr, 21. März 2021

Home Office und Fernlehre sind die neue Normalität – nicht nur bei uns, sondern überall, wo das Coronavirus sein Unwesen treibt. Die Ukraine ist davon nicht verschont geblieben – allerdings hatte sie bei der Umstellung auf das digitale Arbeits- und Ausbildungsleben ganz andere Voraussetzungen: „Als alle Schulen und Universitäten auf Distanzlehre umstellen mussten, wurde vielerorts komplettes Neuland betreten“, sagt Antonina Hammermüller.

Die gebürtige Ukrainerin betreut im Studienbereich Engineering & IT an der FH Kärnten das Projekt „dComFra“, das sich mit der Erstellung eines digitalen Kompetenzrahmens für ukrainische Lehrer und andere Bürger befasst. Die Pandemie machte dieses Ansinnen umso aktueller – Ziel des EU-geförderten Projekts ist, Menschen in der Ukraine im Umgang mit den neuen digitalen Technologien auf das europäische Level zu bringen. Ausgearbeitet werden dafür eine Reform des Systems der Lehrerausbildung in der Ukraine und die Schaffung eines Netzwerks, das Bildungseinrichtungen, Verbände, staatliche Behörden und Wirtschaft zusammenbringt. Zu diesem Zweck gab es bereits Schulungen und Treffen für Vertreter ukrainischer Universitäten in europäischen Ländern.

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KNUKiM: International Girls’ Day in ICT!

The University of Culture celebrated the International Girls in ICT Day #GirlsinICT, joining the initiative of the International Telecommunication Union, aimed at creating a global environment that expands the rights and opportunities of girls and young women, stimulates them to choose a profession in the growing field of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies).

This year, the 10th anniversary International Girls’ Day in ICT was held in Ukraine with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the consortium of the dComFra project of the Erasmus + international program, which includes the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

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Information technologies in the socio-cultural sphere, education and science

Every year, the International Research and Practice “Information Technology in Socio-Cultural Sphere, Education and Science” brings together students and young scientists at the University of Culture. This time, due to quarantine, the event, organized by the Department of Computer Science and the Faculty of Distance Learning, took place online.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Vice-Rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts Tetyana Humeniuk addressed the participants of the online conference with a welcoming speech, wishing them fruitful cooperation and meaningful debates.

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IT in culture, art, education, science, economics, and business

The University of Culture hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technology in Culture, Arts, Education, Science, Economics and Business”, organized by the Department of Computer Science and the Faculty of Distance Learning KNUKiM. Each event brings together scientists from different parts of Ukraine and the world to discuss prospects for the development and application of information technology and systems in culture, art, education, science, economics, and business. Like last year, due to quarantine restrictions, the conference was held online.

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Results of the Digital Week of KNUKiM 2021

The University of Culture has actively participated in the European initiative ALL Digital Week, or European Digital Literacy Week – an annual information campaign dedicated to the development of digital competencies of citizens. In 2010-2020, more than 1,300,000 participants took part in the European Digital Literacy Week.

This year ALL Digital Week had some differences compared to previous campaigns. In particular, the website of the initiative has expanded the time frame for events, which could begin on March 1 and continue to arrange until April 16, registering on the general map.

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