The University of Culture hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technology in Culture, Arts, Education, Science, Economics and Business”, organized by the Department of Computer Science and the Faculty of Distance Learning KNUKiM. Each event brings together scientists from different parts of Ukraine and the world to discuss prospects for the development and application of information technology and systems in culture, art, education, science, economics, and business. Like last year, due to quarantine restrictions, the conference was held online.

The Vice-Rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Candidate of Historical Sciences Anatoliy Humenchuk addressed the participants of the online conference with a welcoming speech and wished everyone interesting discussions and productive cooperation.

Valery Kushnaryov, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Information Policy and Cyber Security of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, stressed the relevance of the conference.

The plenary session was opened by Olena Tchaikovska, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Distance Learning, with a report on “National Framework of Digital Competences for Citizens of Ukraine”, where she acquainted the participants with the results of the Erasmus + project. citizens », № 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP. In particular, Olena Antonivna noted that the Framework of Digital Competences of Citizens, which was published by the Ministry of Digital Transformation on March 30, 2021 for public discussion, was adapted by Ukrainian experts in the framework of this dComFra project.

A Framework is a tool designed to improve the digital competence of Ukrainians, help create public policy, and plan educational initiatives aimed at improving digital literacy and the practical use of IT tools and services by specific target groups. Olena Tchaikovsky also announced a training platform for the project, where there will be an opportunity to improve their level of digital competencies in various areas.

Maksym Koryavets, Head of the Polissya Foundation for International and Regional Studies (Chernihiv, Ukraine) in his report “Digital skills and competencies in various sectors of society: forming a new strategy” outlined the positive and negative aspects of digital skills and competencies in Ukraine and suggested joining the expert discussion on this topic.
Halyna Kolomiets, Head of the Scientific and Methodological Department for Improving the Quality of Education of the Institute for Modernization of Educational Content of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, co-organizer of the conference, stressed the relevance of information technology in education and science
In addition to the plenary session, the conference program included the work of sections:
Information technologies and systems.
Modeling of economic and social processes and systems.
Strategies for the development of economics, science, education, and culture in the context of digital transformation.
Digital technologies in cultural and creative industries.
Development and security of cyberspace.
Education and culture in a pandemic: challenges and opportunities.
Structure of digital competencies for citizens of Ukraine.
During the breakout sessions, participants presented reports on various areas of use of information technology in accordance with the theme of the event:
At the end of the conference, there was a master class by Marina Tolmach, a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Distance Learning, on “Assessment of student knowledge through the Moodle platform.” The series of trainings “Digital skills for University Staff” was launched in 2019 as part of the Erasmus + project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, No. 598236-EPP-1-2018 -1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.
Conducting such trainings aims to improve the level of digital competence of educators and awareness of the use of IT to effectively solve professional problems. Ms. Marina told the audience about the experience of organizing the KNUKiM e-learning platform and provided useful tips on using the testing module of the Moodle platform to form and assess students’ knowledge.

Participants of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information Technology in Culture, Arts, Education, Science, Economics and Business” noted the professionalism of the speakers and the high level of organization of the event. This year’s collection of materials will feature 160 reports.