NTU “KPI” representative Professor Oleksandr Serkov, Project Manager of the Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (dComFra) participated in the seminar for the winners of the 2018 Erasmus + Higher Education Potential Competition held within the Erasmus + Information Week November 6, 2018 at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

During the seminar the project participants got acquainted with the peculiarities of implementation and management of grant funds, met with representatives of a consortium, which included our university, participated in a workshop led by the national coordinator of the dComFra project, representative of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Organizers of the event: EACEA – Brussels, National Erasmus + office in Ukraine with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the EU Delegation to Ukraine. Representative of NTU “KPI” project manager Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens.

Training at NTU “KhPI”

On February 28, 2019, information day took place at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies of NTU “KhPI” within the framework of the implementation of the international project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1 -LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

Associate Professor of the Information Systems Department of NTU “KhPI” Ganna Zavolodko reported on participation in the training on the project dComFra, which took place in the city of in Kaunas/Lithuania 18 – 22 February, 2019, Vytautas Magnus University.

Organizing different meetings and discussions with Lithuanian national digital coalition’s representatives and other institutions involved in DigComp frameworks implementation in Lithuania, industry’s representatives for interview about DC needs.

During the first training visit to the VMU, many aspects of digital skills were considered.

Questions that have been considered:

  • Brief info about ITI, ITI involvement in certification market.
  • Knowledge Certification: Base certification, Intermediate certification modules.
  • Advanced certification modules and Endorsed Programmes, E-Guardian programme, ICT barometer.
  • Administration of the TC network. Practical demonstration on the Lithuanian TestEngine administration system.
  • Courseware localization. AQTB localization (practical guidelines).
  • Local marketing issues, logos and local courseware.
  • The Fallacy of the ‘Digital Native’: Why Young People Need to Develop their Digital Skills.
  • Study of the digital skills of the university entrants (VMU case).
  • Digital Skills level in Lithuania and Europe.
  • Good practice example: Online4EDU experience.
  • Good practice example: e-GUARDIAN – Development and certification of skills for European Educators focused on Safe ICT and Cyber threat prevention.
  • Quality assurance policy.
  • Creation of testing center experience.
  • Webinar “Value of ECDL / ICDL”.
  • Possibilities of Digital Competence Formation in SMEs in Lithuania.
  • Lithuanian industrial digitalization roadmap 2019-2030.
  • Support of Kaunas Science and Technology Park in Development of Digital Competences for SMEs.
  • MOOC
  • Digital champions and their activities.
  • Introduction about CodeWeek initiative in Europe.
  • Webinar with Science Education Department, Brussels (
  • Digital Skills (Safer internet Week and All Digital Week) initiatives in Europe.
  • Experience about concept and Action plan for NDC in Lithuania.
  • NDC working groups results (ICT curriculum update in schools; Digital Agenda amendments).
  • Documents related with Digital Skills strategy in Lithuania.
  • Experience of creation National Digital Coalition in Lithuania.


  • Training/testing center development;
  • Round table discussion about DC certification;
  • Training/testing center development;
  • Development of strategy how to increase number of CodeWeek events in UA
  • Development of Digital Skills initiatives Plan in UA;
  • Developing of concept and Action plan for UNDC;
  • Development of UNDC memorandum.

The main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. to present dComFra project and developments accomplished within project
  2. to provide information about coming trainings and propose to take part in them.



February 27, 2019 at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies of NTU “KHPI” an information day was held within the framework of the implementation of the international project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1 -LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

Professor of the Department of Information Systems Valery Kravets told about another international project in which the Department of Information Systems takes part.

Objectives of the project: to create and present an effective network of the Ukrainian National Digital Coalition, based on Ukrainian universities, profile associations, state and business structures; to develop and implement Ukrainian digital competence frameworks; develop recommendations for changing curricula / programs for digital competences in line with the Digital Agenda for Europe and current labor market requirements; create digital competency trainings for teachers and other citizens; conduct high quality digital competency training for different segments of the population.

International Project Coordinator (Grant Holder): Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania

Ukrainian Coordinator: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

To carry out the project, a Consortium was formed, consisting of:

  • Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Corinthian University of Applied Science, Villach, Austria
  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Pedagogical University of Cracow, Krakow, Poland
  • Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
  • Public institution Information Technologies Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • KNU Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • NTU Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Donetsk NTU, Pokrovsk, Ukraine
  • Chernivtsi National University. Yuriy Fedkovych, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Kremenchug National University. Michael Ostrogradsky

InfoDay, organizing institute – NTU “KhPI”

On February 27, 2019, information day took place at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies of NTU “KhPI” within the framework of the implementation of the international project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1 -LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

Valeriy Kravets, Professor of the Department of Information Systems, told about another international project in which the Department of Information Systems participates. The main objectives of the project and the ways of their implementation were achieved.

The main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. to present dComFra project and developments accomplished within project
  2. to provide information about coming trainings and propose to take part in them.


InfoDay, organizing institute – KNUCA

Dissemination activity  was performed for teachers of the Department of Computer Science on the material of training in Kaunas, Lithuania (18-22/02/2019)

The  main outcomes of the Info Day are to introduce teachers of Department of Computer Sciences:

  1. the information about dComFra project
  2. the information about Lithuanian experience in digital competences development (based on the materials of training in Kaunas, Lithuania (18-22/02/2019)


An annual seminar for school teachers and professional teachers

On February 25, 2019, an annual seminar was held for teachers of schools and professional teachers, as well as students of 8-10 grades of general secondary education institutions, extracurricular education institutions of the Kyiv region, which are part of the Kiev Regional Territorial Branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Within the framework of this seminar the participants of the project “dComFra – Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1 -LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) made a report, the Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Professor Biloshchytskyi A.O., Associate Professor Kuchansky O.Yu. and Associate Professor Paliy S.V. The reports focused on the goals and objectives of the project and focused on the development of a Ukrainian digital competence framework for educators and citizens based on the European Digital Competence Framework for educators and citizens. They also reported on the implementation of Erasmus + KA2 projects and on the tools that will enhance the competencies of teachers and the population of Ukraine.

The following organizations participated in the seminar:

Department of Education and Science of Kyiv Regional State Administration;

Kyiv Regional Municipal Extracurricular Educational Institution “Small Academy of Sciences of Student Youth”;

Faculty of Information Technology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Presidium of the Kiev Regional Territorial Branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


February 24, 2019 as part of the Open Doors Day and Science is FUN! Information Systems Department conducted information activities within the framework of the international project “dComFra – Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens / dComFra” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

A large number of future entrants were interested in the opportunity to receive training and certification in the field of Information Science and Information Technology.

InfoDay, organizing institute – NTU “KhPI”

Day of open doors was hold in NTU “KhPI” for prospective students and their parents. The department of Information Systems presented developments accomplished within dComfra project and proposed to take part in the coming trainings.

The main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. to present developments accomplished within dComFra project
  2. to provide information about coming trainings and propose to take part in them.



2019 February 5, 10,000+ students and students join an online lesson on Safe Internet Day in Ukraine from the Cisco Networking Academies Program, the National Police Cyber Police Department, and ERC Distribution

Didn’t Have The Opportunity To Live? Join the entry until February 16!

Sign up, listen to a recording, take the test and get certified

The event was supported by the Institute for Modernization of the Content of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Erasmus + participants’ kick-off meeting “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”

January 16-18, 2019, the the kick-off meeting of project participants took place. Rrepresentatives of six European partner organizations and nine Ukrainian organizations took part in the meeting. DonNTU was represented by reseach and development Vice-rector Yevgen Bashkov and associate professor Natalya Kostyukov.

Representatives of each partner organization told about their institution, their experience in digital competencies, and represented a team of performers. During the meeting the goals and objectives of the project were discussed, the expected results, the content of each stage of implementation was discussed in detail.