On February 25, 2019, an annual seminar was held for teachers of schools and professional teachers, as well as students of 8-10 grades of general secondary education institutions, extracurricular education institutions of the Kyiv region, which are part of the Kiev Regional Territorial Branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Within the framework of this seminar the participants of the project “dComFra – Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1 -LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) made a report, the Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Professor Biloshchytskyi A.O., Associate Professor Kuchansky O.Yu. and Associate Professor Paliy S.V. The reports focused on the goals and objectives of the project and focused on the development of a Ukrainian digital competence framework for educators and citizens based on the European Digital Competence Framework for educators and citizens. They also reported on the implementation of Erasmus + KA2 projects and on the tools that will enhance the competencies of teachers and the population of Ukraine.

The following organizations participated in the seminar:

Department of Education and Science of Kyiv Regional State Administration;

Kyiv Regional Municipal Extracurricular Educational Institution “Small Academy of Sciences of Student Youth”;

Faculty of Information Technology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Presidium of the Kiev Regional Territorial Branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine