All Digital Week at KNURE

On March 29, a meeting on “Digital competencies for Ukrainian citizens” was held on the basis of the Department of System Engineering of NURE, within the frameworks of the annual European initiative “All Digital Week”, where students and employees of the University presented the idea of integrating into the Ukrainian space of international programs of digital competences for citizens. It should be noted that the event was held under the auspices of the Erasmus project + “Framework of Digital Competences for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (dComFra)”

The  main outcomes of the All Digital Week at NURE are:

  1. a meeting on “Digital competencies for Ukrainian citizens” was held on the basis of the Department of System Engineering of NURE
  2. students and employees of the University presented the idea of integrating into the Ukrainian space of international programs of digital competences for citizens.


InfoDay, organizing institute – KNUCA

Dissemination activity  was performed for teachers of the Department of Computer Science on the material of training in Krakow, Poland (18-21/03/2019)

The main outcomes of the Info Day are to introduce teachers of Department of Computer Sciences:

  1. the information about Polish experience in digital competences development (based on the materials of training in Krakow, Poland (18-21/03/2019)
  2. the results of KNUCA’s participation in AllDigitalWeek campaign


AllDigitalWeek in KNUCA

The main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. to introduce students the information about AllDigitalWeek campaign
  2. understanding and benefiting from the digital transformation
  3. developing cybersecurity skills

AllDigitalWeek 2019 activity: Round table for members of the consortium of the Erasmus + dComFra project “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” to discuss the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers and Citizens of Ukraine.

The main outcomes of this activity:

  1. to share information on the experience of developing digital competences in the EU member states (Lithuania, Poland), that was received during the training of the “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” project in Kyiv. Kaunas, Lithuania (February 18-22, 2019) and in Krakow, Poland (March 18-21, 2019)
  2. to discuss the issues of harmonization of the digital competence framework for Ukraine with European standards

AllDigitalWeek 2019 activity: training “Digital Skills for University Staff”for departments and dean’s staff dedicated to the use of digital technologies in the activities of structural units of the university.

The main outcomes of this activity:

  1. Promotion of EU Digital initiatives
  2. Developing digital skills necessary for efficient workflow organization in university

AllDigitalWeek 2019 activity: series of events under the umbrella name “Digital Jobs – new opportunities” dedicated to the emergence of new professions driven by the development of digital technologies, as well as the organization of an effective digital workplace for traditional professions.

The main outcomes of this activity:

  1. Introduce new professions driven by the development of digital technologies (digital marketing, cyber sport tournament organization)
  2. Enhance employability by developing the right skills for the new digital jobs


DonNTU joined All Digital Week

Donetsk National Technical University has joined All Digital Week events. The events were held under the slogan “Digital literacy for the old industrial region population”. In particular, the information days “Digital Skills for Everyone” were held as part of the Erasmus+ project 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2CBHE-SP “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens (dComFra)” 26- 27 March. The event was attended by university staff, in particular, librarians, students, pupils of Spring School. During the meetings, the executors of the dComFra project – associate professors of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics Natalia Maslova and Natalya Kostyukova informed the audience about the purpose and tasks of the dComFra project aimed at increasing the population’s digital skills. In total, more than 50 participants took part in the event. This is the first experience of DonNTU of participating in All Digital Week.

Employees of the Department of Systems Engineering took part in the training from Erasmus+

From 18 to 22 March in Krakow was held a training from the project Erasmus+ “Framework of digital competencies for the Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, in which teachers of the Department of systems engineering Igor Grebennik, Alina Nechiporenko, Inna Urnyaieva  took part.

During the training, organized by the Krakow Pedagogical University, the staff of NURE got acquainted with the experience of colleagues from the Krakow ECDL certification center in the teaching of computer disciplines, which will be taken into account when creating a digital framework of competence of Ukrainian teachers.

Event photos.

Training at NTU KhPI

On March 26, 2019, information day took place at the Faculty of Computer and Information Technologies of NTU “KhPI” within the framework of the implementation of the international project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1 -LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

Senior Lecturer of the Information Systems Department of NTU “KhPI”, Head of the Training Center for Instructors at the Cisco Academy of NTU “KhPI”, Maxim Tolkachov and Natalya Dzhenyuk reported on participation in the training on the dComFra project, which took place in Krakow (Poland), March 18-21, 2019. The events took place at the Pedagogical University of Cracow and the Cracow Examination Center. According to the training program, the participants were introduced and participated in the training on the following issues:

  • Improving digital literacy in Poland as part of plans for computerization of Poland (strategies: e-Poland, Digital Poland, etc.), Trends in early childhood education;
  • Education in the profession of computer science at the level of secondary schools (level IV of the Polish Qualification Framework);
  • Framework of digital competences. Polish National Digital Coalition;
  • Implementation of DC projects in education;
  • IT infrastructure at the Institute of Computer Science;
  • Digital Competences of children, adolescents and adults. Standards of requirements;


  • Computer skills certification systems;
  • Exam platforms;
  • Unified environments for interactive data analysis: Anaconda/Python + Jupyter-notebooks.

The main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. to present dComFra project and developments accomplished within project
  2. to provide information about last trainings.


Studying European experience in digital competences at training courses at the University of Lithuania

18-22 February 2019 the first trainings for the implementation plan of the project “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT- EPPKA2-CBHE-SP) provided. Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics O. Dmitrieva and Assistant Professors of this Department N.Maslova and N. Kostyukova took part in the actraining activities.

The training program was very rich and interesting. We found out about the certification of knowledge in the digital field, have seen the work of the Lithuanian testing platform/ Speakers told about the gap between the labor market requirements for digital competencies and the skills that job applicants have. Much attention was also paid to the creation and organization of testing centers. Lithuanian colleagues shared the experience of the work of the Lithuanian National Digital Coalition and said that thanks to the efforts of the Coalition, the programs of teaching computer science were updated in the secondary schools of Lithuania.

Attendees of the report invited to the training of representatives of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Innovation Center, Kaunas Science and Technology Park who drew attention to the challenges of modern life regarding digital skills.

An unforgettable impression was the meeting of the participants with the rector of the university, Mr. Josas Augutis, who spoke about the difficult history of the university and its work in modern conditions, as well as visits to the faculty of informatics and laboratories working on its base: neural networks and multimedia.

The training program also included a visit to the Kaunas Faculty of Vilnius University. The Faculty is located in historic buildings that occupy the entire Old Town Quarter in Kaunas. During the visit, the director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics spoke about the institute’s curricula, in particular, about the Information Systems and CyberSecurity program.

Round Table

05.03.2019 A roundtable was held at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the framework of this meeting were discussed the objectives of the project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” within the framework of the Erasmus + program in the direction of KA2: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education, as well as what results will be obtained upon completion of the project. They discussed the creation of the Digital Coalition in Ukraine, what tasks and functions it will take on and what tools will be used to realize the enhancement of digital competences of teachers and the population of Ukraine.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine headed by the Director General of the Directorate of Higher Education and Adult Education Oleg Sharov. Also present at the meeting were Coordinator of Ukrainian Partners Associate Professor of Information Systems and Technologies Department Sergey Bronin, Head of Information Systems and Technologies Department, Professor Andrii Biloshchytskyi (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv), Head of Computer Science Department, Professor Olena Tchaikovsky University of Culture and Arts) and Head of the Department of Systems Engineering, Professor Igor Grebennik (Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics)

The participants of the training in Lithuania told about participation in the project Erasmus+

On February 26, at the Department of System Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics took place a lecture of the participants of the training “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” that was held under the auspices of the Erasmus + project at the Lithuanian Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. 

The organizers of the meeting shared with guests the key theses of the lecture and discussion program, talked about the meetings and work on the project, and also discussed the main issues that arose during the report.

Event photos.

Info Day at KNURE

On February 26, at the Department of System Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics took place a lecture of the participants of the training “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” that was held under the auspices of the Erasmus + project at the Lithuanian Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. The organizers of the meeting shared with guests the key theses of the lecture and discussion program, talked about the meetings and work on the project, and also discussed the main issues that arose during the report.

The  main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. the organizers of the meeting shared with guests the key theses of the lecture and discussion program
  2. the participants talked about the meetings and work on the project
  3. the organizers of the meeting and guests discussed the main issues that arose during the report
