On September 5, 2019, the information day was held at the Donetsk National Technical University within the framework of the project activities 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (dComFra) DComFra Project: Challenges and Prospects.
27 employees of DonNTU took part in the event, including teachers, employees of the information-computer center, engineers. During the event, project manager Yevgen Bashkov spoke about the purpose of the project, the plan for its implementation and the project envisaged for the creation of the Ukrainian Digital Coalition. In addition, Yevgen described the structure of the digital competency framework used in Europe and the plans to develop such a framework for Ukrainian teachers and citizens, which is also the aim of the project.