NTU “KPI” scientists participated in the international project Erasmus + “dComFra – Digital Competence (Dig Comp) Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens”. Within the framework of the project, teachers of the Department of Information Systems attended trainings that were held for Ukrainian universities for 3 months. They were held at universities in Lithuania, Poland and the Czech Republic. The sessions were dedicated to training teachers and improving their skills in digital literacy, given the rapid development of information technology.

Yes, February 18-22, 2019 Assoc. Systems of Information Chair Anna Zavolodko and graduate student of the Chair Julia Breslawiec participated in a training course held by the University of Vitautas the Great (Kaunas, Lithuania). It addressed many aspects related to digital skills: the development of a training center; development of a strategy to increase the number of CodeWeek events in Ukraine; developing a digital skills initiative plan in Ukraine; learning digital skills of entrants and more.

The second training was held at the Pedagogical University of Krakow and the Krakow Examination Center (Poland) March 18-21, 2019. It was attended by: Senior Lecturer of the Information Systems Department of the KPI, Maxim Tolkachov, Head of the Cisco Instructors Training Center at NTU “KPI”, and Senior Lecturer KhPI, Head of Cisco Academic Support Center NTU “KhPI” Natalia Jenyuk. During the training in Poland, the issues of digital competences of children, teenagers and adults, the certification system of computer knowledge, education in the profession of computer science at the level of secondary schools and others were discussed.

The third, final training was held on April 8-11, 2019 at the Czech Agricultural University of Prague. The senior lecturers of the Information Systems Department Maxim Okhrimenko, Maxim Tolkachev and Natalia Dzeniuk took part in it.

Round Table at KNURE

On April, 23, at the Department of Systems Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, a round table was held in which the speakers who passed the training from the Erasmus + project “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” took part. The speakers presented the results of the training, held from 08 to April 11 at the Prague University of Life Sciences CULS (Czech Republic). As a part of the event, the staff of the Department of System Engineering and the staff of the departments of the Faculty of Computer Science presented the following relevant topics for the project:

  • experience of the CULS testing center;
  • practices in teaching ICT skills;
  • digital skills strategy in the Czech Republic;
  • teaching ICT skills for foreign students;
  • visiting laboratories: human behavioural research & VR;
  • innovative ways of learning;
  • large-scale digital training support – Moodle & Adobe Connect.

The  main outcomes of the Round Table are:

  1. The speakers presented the results of the training, held from 08 to April 11 at the Prague University of Life Sciences CULS
  2. presented the following relevant topics for the project: experience of the CULS testing center, practices in teaching ICT skills, etc.

Website: http://nure.ua/en/round-table-on-the-training-of-erasmus-project-took-place-in-knure

The Department of System Engineering of NURE held a round table

April 18 at the Department of System Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics a round table was held. The event was organized by the participants of the training project Erasmus+ “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, which was held on March 18-22 in Krakow (Poland).

During the round table, teachers and students learned about the goals and objectives of the project as for the formation and implementation of the framework structure of digital competencies for certain target groups in Ukraine. The main stages of work on the project, the results obtained so far, lectures, meetings and discussions organized during the training at the Krakow pedagogical University, which is one of the participants of the consortium of the project, were presented.

Event photos.

Round Table at KNURE

April, 18 at the Department of System Engineering of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics a round table was held. The event was organized by the participants of the training project Erasmus+ “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens”, which was held on March 18-22 in Krakow (Poland). During the round table, teachers and students learned about the goals and objectives of the project as for the formation and implementation of the framework structure of digital competencies for certain target groups in Ukraine. The main stages of work on the project, the results obtained so far, lectures, meetings and discussions organized during the training at the Krakow pedagogical University, which is one of the participants of the consortium of the project, were presented.

The  main outcomes of the Round Table are:

  1. teachers and students learned about the goals and objectives of the project as for the formation and implementation of the framework structure of digital competencies for certain target groups in Ukraine
  2. the main stages of work on the project, the results obtained so far, lectures, meetings and discussions organized during the training at the Krakow pedagogical University were presented

Website: http://nure.ua/en/the-department-of-system-engineering-of-nure-held-a-round-table


April 16, 2019 at the faculty of computer and information technologies of NTU “KHPI” the third for teachers within the international project “dComFra – Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra” (No. 598236-EPP-1-2018-1- LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP).

Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Systems, NTU “KPI”, Ohrymenko M.Yu., Tolkachov M.Yu. and Jenyuk NV reported on participating in a dComFra training course held at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.

Issues considered:

  • Department of Information Technology: Education and Research
  • CULS Test Center experience
  • ICT skills training
  • Digital Skills Strategy in the Czech Republic
  • ICT skills training for international students
  • IoT and Big Data
  • Training operating systems, computer networks and CISCO Academy
  • Visiting laboratories: human behavior studies and virtual reality
  • Czech National Digital Coalition and ICT projects
  • Innovative methods in teaching programming
  • Large-scale digital learning support – Moodle & Adobe Connect
  • Exchange of best practices (seminar)

Studying strategies for improving digital literacy at a Polish university

On February 18-21, 2019, trainings were held at the Pedagogical University of Krakow in accordance with the project plan for implementation of the project “Digital Competence Framework for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens” (598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP). The lecturers from DonNTU participated in the trainings: Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics N. Kostyukova, Assistant Professor of the Computer Engineering Department S. Tsololo and Senior Lecturer of the same Department Yu. Dikova. During the training, Polish University staff introduced Ukrainian guests to strategies for improving digital literacy in Poland as part of Poland’s computerization plans. Thus, e-Poland, Digital Poland and other strategies are being implemented in the country. Polish colleagues also introduced the training participants to the trends of pre-school education, the study of computer science at the level of secondary schools, the standards of digital competences of children and adults. Also the cross-coaching of dComFra and Creating Modern Master’s Degree Programs in Information Systems was so interesting. There were very interesting the topics deal with the IT infrastructure at the Institute of Computer Science.

Digital competences in the EU and Ukraine

Between 8 and 11 April 2019, the Department of Information Technologies organized a training event for 23 participants within the project the Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens / dComFra.

The project is funded by the Erasmus + program and is implemented by a consortium of 15 partners – nine institutions from Ukraine and six from Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Romania and the Czech Republic. The project coordinator is a Lithuanian Vytautas Magnus University and the Department of Information Technology FEM CULS Prague, as a project partner, is responsible for and guarantees the project realisation.

Professor Michal Lošťák, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for International Relations and First Vice-Rector, welcomed participants with a lecture on the system of education at CULS Prague, where he also talked about the position of our university in international rankings. During the four-day training, the Department of Information Technology in the area of teaching and research was presented, as well as specialized workplaces: the Testing Center, CISCO laboratories, Big Data, IoT and GIS. In addition, topics such as the Digital Education Strategy in the Czech Republic and the EU, the involvement of practitioners in teaching and experience from abroad were also presented and discussed.The project aims to contribute significantly to the ongoing reform of the education system in Ukraine.

All Digital Week at KNURE

On March 29, a meeting on “Digital competencies for Ukrainian citizens” was held on the basis of the Department of System Engineering of NURE, within the frameworks of the annual European initiative “All Digital Week”, where students and employees of the University presented the idea of integrating into the Ukrainian space of international programs of digital competences for citizens. It should be noted that the event was held under the auspices of the Erasmus project + “Framework of Digital Competences for Ukrainian Teachers and Other Citizens (dComFra)”

The  main outcomes of the All Digital Week at NURE are:

  1. a meeting on “Digital competencies for Ukrainian citizens” was held on the basis of the Department of System Engineering of NURE
  2. students and employees of the University presented the idea of integrating into the Ukrainian space of international programs of digital competences for citizens.

Website: http://nure.ua/en/nure-joined-the-initiative-all-digital-week

InfoDay, organizing institute – KNUCA

Dissemination activity  was performed for teachers of the Department of Computer Science on the material of training in Krakow, Poland (18-21/03/2019)

The main outcomes of the Info Day are to introduce teachers of Department of Computer Sciences:

  1. the information about Polish experience in digital competences development (based on the materials of training in Krakow, Poland (18-21/03/2019)
  2. the results of KNUCA’s participation in AllDigitalWeek campaign

Website: http://kn.knukim.edu.ua/

AllDigitalWeek in KNUCA

The main outcomes of the Info Day are:

  1. to introduce students the information about AllDigitalWeek campaign
  2. understanding and benefiting from the digital transformation
  3. developing cybersecurity skills

AllDigitalWeek 2019 activity: Round table for members of the consortium of the Erasmus + dComFra project “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” to discuss the Digital Competence Framework for Teachers and Citizens of Ukraine.

The main outcomes of this activity:

  1. to share information on the experience of developing digital competences in the EU member states (Lithuania, Poland), that was received during the training of the “Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens” project in Kyiv. Kaunas, Lithuania (February 18-22, 2019) and in Krakow, Poland (March 18-21, 2019)
  2. to discuss the issues of harmonization of the digital competence framework for Ukraine with European standards

AllDigitalWeek 2019 activity: training “Digital Skills for University Staff”for departments and dean’s staff dedicated to the use of digital technologies in the activities of structural units of the university.

The main outcomes of this activity:

  1. Promotion of EU Digital initiatives
  2. Developing digital skills necessary for efficient workflow organization in university

AllDigitalWeek 2019 activity: series of events under the umbrella name “Digital Jobs – new opportunities” dedicated to the emergence of new professions driven by the development of digital technologies, as well as the organization of an effective digital workplace for traditional professions.

The main outcomes of this activity:

  1. Introduce new professions driven by the development of digital technologies (digital marketing, cyber sport tournament organization)
  2. Enhance employability by developing the right skills for the new digital jobs

Website: http://kn.knukim.edu.ua/