University Politehnica of Bucharest is the largest Technical University in Romania greatly contributing to the development of Higher Education in the country. It has a vast range of expertise in fostering innovation and creativity in Technical Engineering, these concepts being taught to students for several years. This include entrepreneurship courses that are also among core skills for our students. UPB-CAMIS is also recognized by the National Qualification Authority as a continuous formation educational provider for Entrepreneurship courses (ANC authorization B 0008988, 40/2069/16.03.2015). The academic and technical staffs of one of its department research and innovation center CAMIS , has experience in modern and innovative engineering technologies within the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems (EMTS). The CAMIS RDI center, has a vast experience with EU projects. CAMIS was involved in Longlife Learning and Erasmus+ projects with highly appreciated results by the target audiences and end-users. Staff of UPB-CAMIS are involved in teaching and research activities of the Bsc. And MSc. Programmes offerred by the EMTS Faculty in the area of Quality Assurance and engineering, Health and Safety Engineering that are being offered to students for several years. Furthermore, UPB-CAMIS will use its expertise in project management gained by coordinating several EU projects such as the Leonardo da Vinci project CECA (www.camis.pub.ro), euCAD project ((www.camis.pub.ro)) or being part of the Steering Committees of other project such as the Logicad project (www.logicadproject.eu). UPB-CAMIS also administers its own learning management system and has an extensive experience in e-learning and adult education, including VET (its interest in this project). It has considerable experience in project quality assurance activities, including internal and external evaluation of project activities and results.