National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (www.kpi.kharkov.ua/en/) has been one of the leaders of HE in Ukraine for a long time and is playing a leading role in shaping the technological policy of Kharkiv. Being directed by Magna Charta Universitatum, it is a member of the EUA, BSUN, EAU and takes an active part in AUDEM. NTU KhPI is highly rated in the national (4) and international ratings: QS World University Rankings (701+); Scopus (9th in UA). It has developed local network, modern website that is ranked 2nd in Ukraine in the international website ranking Webometrics. NTU KhPI has developed the curricula of a new generation meeting the requirements of ECTS of organizing teaching process. That helped to provide the students with new opportunities for free choice of learning trajectories and develop their mobility. University has a QA system, which in particular allows to be targeted at learning outcomes. NTU KhPI orients itself on constant improvement & development of its autonomy. It has considerable achievements in the field of IT technologies development. 2 large university faculties from 24 train bachelors & masters in computer science, IT, software engineering, computer engineering, telecommunication systems & networks. The University has an extensive base of modern computer equipment and a local area network, covering all campuses. New pedagogical approaches applying IT technologies achievements and e-tools are used in the educational process of 16 thousand students, 250 post-graduate students. The university policy in the international cooperation is aimed at internationalization of learning process, development of innovative potential of the university and creation of the conditions for attracting foreign investment. NTU KhPI has gained the biggest number of Tempus projects in Ukraine during the existence of the program (29 projects). Currently, 34 international projects are being implemented at the university, including 2 Erasmus + projects.