The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as central public body in the system of Ukrainian government is responsible for developing and implementing national education and science policies and programs that help Ukrainians access quality and affordable education and training, and for international cooperation in this sphere.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was re-established in 2013 after reorganization of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine. The Ministry is composed of several departments that are responsible for particular fields of education and science (pre-school and school education, higher education, vocational education and training, science and research, innovation).
The strong competency and role of the Ministry in consolidating knowledge, research, innovation and creativity base will be central to safeguarding the success and welfare of Ukraine and its citizens as integral part of European nations.
One of the key priorities of the Ministry is structural reforming and capacity building in higher education aimed to create an attractive and competitive national system of higher education in Ukraine integrated into the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area.
The main objectives of higher education reform driven by the Ministry of Education and Science are effective system of quality assurance, integration of higher education and research, modernisation of management, functioning and funding system of higher education, and internationalisation of higher education.
The Ministry strives to ensure and continually improve the quality of education and teaching that meets the recommendations and standards of EHEA, takes into account best practices and supports the main technology of achieving compliance with the requirements of the educational system and the needs of society and the individual.
Also, modernisation of curriculum by developing new and innovative courses, learning and teaching tools, mythologies and pedagogical approaches based on the best European and international experience is of crucial significance for successful implementation of higher education reform in Ukraine.