Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) is a public university with more than one hundred years of history. There are currently over 19,000 students being educated in all forms of study (bachelor, master and doctoral) and 1,300 scientific and technical staff members. CULS has six faculties and one institute. Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) is the leading faculty with 11,000 students. Its focus is on management, education, psychology, information technologies, system engineering, economy and other.
CULS cooperates with a number of private and public organizations both at local and international level and is a member of EuroLeague for Life Sciences (ELLS), a prestigious network of universities.
Researchers at FEM CULS Prague boast extensive experience in large educational activities and projects addressing higher education students, graduates, unemployed, elderly people or women returning from maternity leave.
The most significant educational projects executed by CULS staff members are such as following:
EVYNA – Effective return of women with university degree after maternity leave in the labour market (awarded as one of five best projects in the Czech Republic in 2008),
TRAMP (Transnational Mobility of Older People Working in Teamwork Projects in Crafts),
VU3A (Virtual University of the Third Age), Information literacy – the basis for further development,
S2B (School to business): Development and improvement of quality of secondary education – innovative ways of cooperation and utilization of ICT,
NODES – Creation of a European network of multimedia resource centres for adult training.