Date(s) - 25/05/2020 - 27/05/2020
Online trainings for Ukrainian partners were organized on 25-27 May 2020, challenging Covid-19 mobility restrictions which influenced cancellation of the trainings already planned to be hosted by Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University in Ukraine on 30 March – 2 April 2020.
Online trainings gathered together 50 participants representing 3 Ukrainian universities – Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, and Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The trainings led by researchers from EU universities were focused on the following themes:
- Digital skills development for non-informatics students at VMU. Artūras Mickus, VMU, Lithuania.
- Teaching media literacy and fact-checking to combat fake news. John Sabou, CUAS, Austria.
- Digital Learning @ CUAS, Center for Teaching Support and eLearning. Marvin Hoffland, CUAS, Austria.
- Inclusion of Online Pocket Labs in Teaching at CUAS. Christian Kreiter, CUAS, Austria.
- Pedagogical methods and basic elements for successful. teaching/learning processes. Antonina Hammermüller, CUAS, Austria
- Interactive Learning Activities on Moodle Learning Environment. Teodora Chicioreanu, UPB CAMIS, Romania.
- Web 2.0 tools for teachers. Teodora Chicioreanu, UPB CAMIS, Romania.
- Strengthening the teacher’s workshop with the use of modern teaching solutions. Alicja Pituła, PUC, Poland.
- Docker workshop – new method of application development in computer laboratory. Olaf Bar, Alfred Budziak, PUC, Poland.
- Experience about National Digital Coalition, and cases studies of digital competences training resources. Renata Danieliene, ITI, Lithuania.
- Online knowledge evaluation and certification. Elinga Ziliuviene, ITI, Lithuania.