On May 22, 2019, at the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, information seminars were held to disseminate the knowledge acquired by the DonNTU teachers during numerous trainings. During the seminars, the teachers of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Professor Olga Dmitrieva and Associate Professor Natalya Kostyukova, told the participants about the content of the trainings held at the University of Vytautas Magnus (Kaunas, Lithuania) and at the Czech University of Life Science (Prague).
In her speech, Natalya Kostyukova spoke about the strategy of forming digital skills of the population in Lithuania and Europe, educational programs for improving the digital skills of teachers, the work of the Lithuanian National Digital Coalition.
Olga Dmitrieva’s presentation was dedicated to the experience of the Testing Center at the Czech University of Life Science and the strategy of digital skills formation in the Czech Republic. She thoroughly and vividly described the experience of the Czech Republic and the possibilities of its use in DonNTU in the framework of the project implementation. In total, 17 faculty members and staff participated in the seminars.